Love- Professor Barbara Fredrickson
Dr Barbara Fredrickson, why we love her...
We all know that positive feelings like happiness, love and joy are good for us in the moment, but who knew how important they are in the long term until Barbara Fredrickson researched this understudied area?
Her research into positive emotions has revolutionised how we see positivity. By following people over time, she and her team of researchers found that when you can regulate your positive feelings by increasing or maintaining them, you are better able to cope with adversities. Focusing on your strengths is just one of many ways we can bring more positivity into our lives.
The broaden and build theory of positive emotions is the foundation of her work. This theory says that positive emotions like love, joy, humour and so on, broaden our perspective giving us more flexibility in making choices. At the same time, positive emotions build our internal resources so that we can be more resilient.
Her book, Love 2.0 explores how when we focus on the experience of love, even the smallest of moments...a hug, shared laughter, good conversation...these add up and influence our day to day wellbeing.
According to Barbara Fredrickson, neither love nor positive emotions should be underestimated.