Character Strengths
Positive Psychologists have discovered 24 Character Strengths that appear to be universally valued around the world. These Strengths can be classified under six broad Virtue categories (Wisdom, Courage, Humanity, Justice, Temperance and Transcendence). Research has revealed that when we identify and focus on using our Strengths, we can experience a range of positive outcomes.
Posii is grounded in the science of Positive Psychology which researches what makes us happy and how we can lead more meaningful lives. Instead of the traditional focus Psychology has on what’s wrong with us, studies of Character Strengths look to understand what is right with us.
By reviewing 100s of positive qualities across cultures, world renowned scientists, Martin Seligman and Chris Peterson, identified a set of 24 character strengths and 6 virtues. They found that when people used these character strengths, they became happier and more satisfied with their life.
Simply choose the Strength or Virtue that you wish to develop. Wear the jewellery. Embrace it. Action it. Celebrate it. Grow it.